The City of Owen Sound is seeking input on the local public transit service.
According to a release, a Transit Optimization Review will assess the service as it operates now and what areas need improvement.
The review will analyze and evaluate the overall functionality of the fixed-route system, encompassing the current route coverage, ridership, on-time performance, as well as other elements.
For residents who wish to participate, the study includes a two-part engagement process, featuring two rounds of virtual stakeholder and public engagement sessions, with two opportunities to complete an online questionnaire.
The city would also like to hear from transportation professionals, knowledgeable residents, current transit users, potential transit users, and residents of Owen Sound and the surrounding area.
Owen Sound’s public transit currently runs on a four route system from Monday through Saturday and all routes provide a half hour service with the buses fully accessible.
Door-to-door transportation services for residents with mobility limitations in Owen Sound are also provided by the city.
The stakeholder and virtual public meetings will be held the week of June 21 to 24, and the week of August 3 to 6.
The online questionnaires will be made available from June 21 to July 5, and from August 3 to 17.
Further information on how to register will be made available soon.