Meaford council is going to consider giving pre-budget approval for a $817,000 bridge rehabilitation project today.
Council will be reviewing a report on Feb. 27, recommending awarding the tender for the rehabilitation project to McPherson-Andrews Contracting Limited for over $583,000.
The report says the construction portion of the rehabilitation of Campbell Bridge at the intersection of 13 Sideroad and Grey Road 12 was postponed last year as a result of budget restrictions.
The work includes addressing existing deficiencies identified in the Ontario Structural Inspection Manual, which was last updated in 2021. The manual recommends repairing deteriorated concrete on the bridge deck, replacing expansion joints, raising deck drains to accommodate new asphalt and waterproofing, and removing and replacing the barrier system within a three to five year time frame.
The report says the work will prolong the life of the bridge and prevent further deterioration of key components.
Six bids were received Feb. 9, with McPherson-Andrews costing the least.
A total of $817,000 for the contract administration, inspection, construction, and contingency of the bridge was included in Meaford’s draft 2023 Transportation Services Capital Budget.
With a total project budget of $859,000, and a total project amount coming to $795,000, the municipality is expecting to see a project surplus of $64,000.
Staff recommend using the surplus to fund future bridge projects.
Council will be receiving this report during its meeting on Feb. 27 at 1 p.m.