South Bruce OPP say they now have a safe exchange zone at their Walkerton detachment.
Police say creating a community safe zone in a police detachment parking lot is about moving online transactions away from secluded parking lots or private residences and bringing them into public spaces.
They also have a safe exchange zone at their Kincardine detachment.
OPP say online classified and auction sites are often used as tools to sell stolen property to unknowing victims and can present a safety threat. In order to increase public safety and reduce crime, South Bruce OPP are inviting the community to use the designated spots in their OPP detachment parking lot to safely facilitate property transactions arranged online.
Police have a safe trade checklist:
Meet in a busy public place
Meet in person to inspect the product
Bring a trusted friend or family member as a witness
Bring a charged cell phone with you
If you have to go along, tell a friend or family member when and where you are meeting someone
Plan transactions during daylight hours
Don’t invite a stranger to your home
Never tell your schedule to a stranger
Don’t erase e-mails, texts or voicemails between yourself and the other party
Keep the transaction local. Never mail a cheque or wire money to a seller
Never give out personal banking information
OPP note, ” South Bruce OPP is unable to assist in negotiating a civil property transaction. Our role is to offer a safe place to make the exchange of goods.”