The City of Owen Sound is reminding residents of how they can be part of a community-based solution to sharps disposal.
With the snow finally melting, some may find improperly disposed syringes.
If you find a needle or other drug paraphernalia in a public place, you can contact the Public Works department at 519-376-4274 between 7:30 am and 4 pm on weekdays.
You can also fill out an online report through the Report A Concern portal under Sharps/Needles Improperly Discarded if you find a sharp in a public place, such as in parks, walking trails, or sidewalks.
There is a sharps disposal bin in Municipal Parking Lot 5, between 2nd and 3rd Avenue East, as well as one at Grey Bruce Public Health at 101 17th Street East.
If you find improperly disposed of sharps materials on your own property, Grey Bruce Public Health has information for how to safely dispose of them.