A conference that aims to explore ideas for improving small community life is coming up in Owen Sound.
The Small Communities Solutions Conference is set to take place Saturday, March 29th at the Harmony Centre.
Coordinator Kate Mosher says “It is going to be a day of inspiration for any community member that has looked around and thought, there has to be a better way than how we’re doing some of these things in our communities.”
Mosher says there will be speakers coming from all over Canada as well as local speakers, “Coming to tell us about small solutions to big problems.”
“We’re looking at affordable housing, income subsidies, dangerous sharps solutions, food insecurity, and economic nutrition,” says Mosher.
The event poster also lists short-term emergency housing, resident mental health services, public safety in downtowns and also public washrooms and sanitation.
“Look at people who have done this for a living, to create solutions to problems that felt sort of intractable and impossible to solve.”
The City of Owen Sound’s tourism webpage says conference speakers include:
Gwen Patrick from The Shorefast Institute in Fogo Island, NL
Lori Pyne from Helping Hands in Squamish BC
Grey County’s CAO Kim Wingrove
Owen Sound Police Chief Craig Ambrose,
Community Foundation Grey Bruce,
The Institute of Southern Georgian Bay
Owen Sound’s Safe ’N Sound
The conference is set to take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. It’s $50 to attend. Other options for those who may not be able to afford that ticket price are available. See more here: https://harmonycentre.ca/scsc